Located in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, this family-owned, faith-based company is the only full stocking Scorpion parts dealer in the eastern United States. They take pride in their many divisions associated with highway safety services including emergency lighting, attenuator trucks, auction services, tank truck repairs, custom fabrication and truck shop. They are the area’s leading supplier of amber safety lighting products and they also provide installation of these products. They readily service equipment markets, construction markets and DOT municipal markets. They offer a variety of services including supplying and installing audible warning devices like back up alarms, etc., arrow and message boards, scene or site lighting, custom metal fabrication and design, and custom stylish J-Tech defender headache rack with the client’s company name for maximum advertising and exposure.
As a renowned Scorpion parts dealer, they have tremendous confidence in the Scorpion name. Scorpion attenuators have helped save the lives of countless people around the world. These attenuators are constructed for maximum energy absorption and to take all of the impact of a speeding vehicle to save the lives of the construction crew, other motorists and the driver of the colliding vehicle. The Scorpion is made of cartridge sections and struts all connected together on a support frame. Curvy side rails are constructed from aluminum tubes that are corrosion resistant, offering complete impact protection. As a Scorpion parts dealer, J Tech USA assure clients that their attenuator product lines meet all Federal requirements, as is established in the NCHRP Report 350.
When it comes to highway safety, it’s all about energy absorption. Without maximum energy absorption, lives would be lost. When an 18-wheeler slams into a TMA truck at 65 mph and the driver walks away with only minor injuries, you know that energy absorption is to be thanked. Scorpion attenuators are aluminum boxes that are comprised of a honeycomb material that crushes upon impact and absorbs nearly 100% of the blow of the collision.
JTech USA, with its many highway safety services and divisions, takes pride in offering companies many different avenues toward the goal of maximized highway safety. Their customizable headache rack protects drivers by keeping their cabs cooler, while also protecting them and the rearview window glass from objects in the truck bed. A headache rack is a perfect item for advertising your business. You can trust JTech USA for these, and all of your other highway safety needs.
As a renowned Scorpion parts dealer, they have tremendous confidence in the Scorpion name. Scorpion attenuators have helped save the lives of countless people around the world. These attenuators are constructed for maximum energy absorption and to take all of the impact of a speeding vehicle to save the lives of the construction crew, other motorists and the driver of the colliding vehicle. The Scorpion is made of cartridge sections and struts all connected together on a support frame. Curvy side rails are constructed from aluminum tubes that are corrosion resistant, offering complete impact protection. As a Scorpion parts dealer, J Tech USA assure clients that their attenuator product lines meet all Federal requirements, as is established in the NCHRP Report 350.
When it comes to highway safety, it’s all about energy absorption. Without maximum energy absorption, lives would be lost. When an 18-wheeler slams into a TMA truck at 65 mph and the driver walks away with only minor injuries, you know that energy absorption is to be thanked. Scorpion attenuators are aluminum boxes that are comprised of a honeycomb material that crushes upon impact and absorbs nearly 100% of the blow of the collision.
JTech USA, with its many highway safety services and divisions, takes pride in offering companies many different avenues toward the goal of maximized highway safety. Their customizable headache rack protects drivers by keeping their cabs cooler, while also protecting them and the rearview window glass from objects in the truck bed. A headache rack is a perfect item for advertising your business. You can trust JTech USA for these, and all of your other highway safety needs.